There’s something to be said for insomnia, and if I weren’t so tired of not sleeping, I would come up with something witty to say about it. I’m doing all the right things to fight it. I’m getting up early. I’m working out in the gym sometimes twice a day. I’m even dabbling in over the counter sleeping pills. I love the pills, especially because they give me nightmares. It’s an odd thing to say, that I like nightmares, and I’ve been told that I’m the only person people have met who likes nightmares, but if you’ve read my work, you would understand that it’s a great source of material.

Speaking of writing, the book is coming along even better than it had been. I came across an old notebook chalk full of research I’d done a while back. Go me. Not to get too far off base, I have been doing the Writer’s Digest writing prompts the last couple of weeks and for some reason I tend to wind up writing about surly gnomes. I have no idea what that’s about.

But, back to the sleep issue, I think it’s all about stress. I have been stressed to the gills lately. You would think that for someone leaving Iraq in the next month or so, I would be relaxed. WRONG. I also second hat as a property manager and before I can leave I have to hand off everything to my incoming counterpart. Anymore, I’m actively looking for how this will bite me in the ass, which is crazy because I’m good at this. I know where everything is. I have my ducks in the proverbial row. But, I’ve been kicked by this unit enough to know I will never see it coming.

As I recently met with some of the Soldiers from 1AD who are already leaving, I flipped them the bird and told them to get the hell off our land… ok, that was a bit of a stretch. We had a BBQ, had a few laughs, and then I told them to get the hell off our land. I hear it’s supposed to start snowing in Wiesbaden this week. I’m wearing shorts and t-shirt outside still. I am so screwed.

Ohio State beat my Iowa Hawkeyes this weekend. If you’ve been a Hawkeye fan for any amount of time you learn to deal with this. You see, the Hawks are like a sibling that just can’t right, but you have to love them anyhow because they are family. Still, why do I have to know so many Ohio State fans? Stupid Karma. On a happier note, my Green Bay Packers demolished the vi-queens. I kind of get a warm and fuzzy just typing words like demolish, and sweep, and dashed Playoff hopes. Now I can focus my spite towards the Bears.

As the sleeping pills are starting to kick in, I will wish you all a good night. I will undoubtedly have something interesting to say tomorrow.
